QR codes, which are also called Quick Response Codes, have become a global trend all around the world. Earlier, instead of QR codes, people used to use barcodes. While barcodes are still in use, the revolutionary development of QR Codes has given more advantages to the life of people than barcodes have ever had.
Scanning QR Code
Here are some tips to follow while scanning a QR code:
– Many people use a QR Code scanner app, and this is one of the common mistakes which makes people more frequently fall into the trap. Don’t download a QR scanner app; just use your phone camera and feel more secure.
Don’t open every QR code scanner you see. I know this may feel interesting to many, but you can’t open every QR code you see. You have to build a presence of mind while using any QR code.
– Many times some scammers stick their own QR codes on anything. You need to see that before scanning any item.
– Never enter anything personal on the website that results while using the QR code.
– Never enter your financial information on the given site. You should always check the website and pay only by seeing the legitimacy of it.
– Recently, many new scams have entered the market, and one of the most common is sending QR codes by email. You should never open any such thing before checking the security of it.
– Above all, you should always double-think before scanning, and if you ever feel in doubt, never scan anything.
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