How to Set Up Trade Routes in Fallout 4?


This part of Fallout 4 can be both fun and hard: building and running towns. A big part of running your towns well is making sure they can share resources by setting up trade paths, which are also known as supply lines. You will learn how to set up and improve trade lines in this guide. This will help your villages do well in the harsh wasteland.

In Fallout 4, an important part of running a town is setting up trade lines. This is how your towns can share things like food, water, and building supplies. Supply lines are also called trade routes. This not only keeps your towns alive, but it also makes making and building go faster. By making trade lines and making them better, you can make sure that your settlements do well. You can learn everything you need to know from this.

What Are Trade Routes?

Trade paths, which in Fallout 4 are called “supply lines,” let the towns in your game share goods. Putting these supply lines in place lets you use the stock of towns that are linked to each other. It’s now easier to keep track of supplies and make sure each settlement has what it needs.

Benefits of Trade Routes

There are many benefits to setting up trade lines, such as:

  • Shared Resources: This function makes sure that all linked settlements can use the same set of resources.
  • With unified storage, it’s easier to craft and build because you can get materials from any linked town.
  • Moving things between places doesn’t have to be done by hand as often, which saves lots of time and work.

how to set up trade routes fallout 4

Preparing Your Settlements

Before you can set up trade routes, your towns need to be ready to handle supply lines.

  • Putting together and taking care of towns: Make sure each town has food, water, beds, guns, and other things it needs. This is what you need to do to keep your supply lines open and your workers happy.
  • What You Need: Settlers and Resources: You need settlers who can be sent as supply runners to set up a supply line. Make sure there are enough people in each town for one person to do this job. Besides that, make sure you have enough resources to set up and manage your supply lines.

Setting Up Trade Routes

Steps to Establish Supply Lines

  • Go to the Workbench in the village you want to connect to. Step 2: Press and hold the button that matches your platform.
  • You can choose a Settler: Pay attention to the resident who will be the food provider.
  • Give a Supply Line: On a console, press “R1/RB” or “Supply Line” and choose the place where you want to send the line. Someone has been picked to go back and forth between the two villages and set up a supply line.

Using the Pip-Boy to Manage Supply Lines

You can see and plan your supply lines with your Pip-Boy:

  • Open up the Pip-Boy: Press the right button to get to the Pip-Boy.
  • Click on “Data”: First click on the Data tab, then on the Workshop area.
  • Take a look at supply lines: Right now, you can see all of the power lines and fix them as needed. With this function, you can connect all of your towns without much trouble.

Optimizing Trade Routes

  • Planning Where to Put Your Settlements: Think about where to put your settlements so that your providers don’t have to drive too far. Many towns that are spread out can be linked to a central settlement, which will make the flow of resources more smoothly across your network.
  • Setting up Provisioners: Provisioners can be struck as they move through the wasteland. They will stay alive if you give them strong arms and tools. To keep supply lines steady, getting better tools can make a big difference.

how to set up trade routes fallout 4

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Threats against provisioners are being dealt with. People who work as prisoners often see raiders and animals.
  • Providers should be given strong armor and guns to protect themselves from these threats.
  • Give your companions: Pair up people to watch over key routes.
  • Regularly look at: Check on provisioners often to make sure they are safe and working.
  • Making sure that resources are used properly. Sometimes, resources might not be spread out the way that was planned. To make this right:
  • Look at the Storage: In every town, make sure there is enough space to store things.
  • Keep an eye on resources: Keep an eye on how many resources you have and move provisioners around if you need to to make sure there are enough resources for everyone.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

  • Using Mods to Make Games Better: Mods can add new features to Fallout 4 and improve parts of the game you already have. Find mods that give you more building options, make trade lines work better, or make it easier to run a settlement.
  • Ways to handle resources well: Plan how you can get your supply lines to work as well as they can. This means setting up hub settlements, making the best use of resources, and meeting the needs of every city. All towns have enough resources to grow and do well if they are handled well.


Setting up and taking care of trade lines is a big part of running a town well in Fallout 4. If you follow the steps in this guide, you can ensure that your cities are well-connected, well-stocked, and well-armed. If you put your towns in the right place, ensure they have what they need, and use your resources wisely, they will do well in the wasteland.

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Moreover, you can also check out our detailed guide on How to Fix Power Armor In Fallout 4? or How to Fix the “Human Error” Quest Error In Fallout 4? or How To Fix Ordinal 43 Not Found Error in Fallout 3?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the best things about setting up trade routes in Fallout 4?

Through trade routes, settlements can share resources with each other, creating a single method for storing things. Making things and building things faster and making sure no town runs out of important goods is the goal.

How can I get people to work as food?

Put the mouse on a settler and press the “Supply Line” button in Workshop Mode. This will turn the dweller into a provider. Next, pick the town you want to connect.

Can the Pip-Boy help me keep track of my mail?

You can’t see or change your supply lines with the Pip-Boy. If you want to see all of the current supply lines, click on the Data tab and then On Workshop.

How do I make sure that no one can attack my providers?

Give your scouts strong weapons and gear. One way to make things safer is to send friends on patrol runs. You should also check on your providers often to make sure they are okay.

Are there mods for Fallout 4 that can make trade paths better?

Yes, many mods for Fallout 4 can make trade lines and town management better. These mods can add new features and improve old ones, which will make it easier to run your town.

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