How to buy PS4 games in the US PSN store from abroad

Sony has a dedicated PSN (Playstation Network) store across many countries worldwide. However, content, prices and offers/specials vary from country to country outside the US. Depending on where you live, games might not be available in your home country at all or are far more expensive. Generally speaking, the US PSN store has the greatest variety in games and deals – so I would highly recommend to start using it. There are also some cases where websites like Amazon, Gavmivo or GameDealDaily sell digital codes which are even cheaper than the PSN Store itself. In the following I’ll explain the following things:

  1. How to setup an US PSN account
  2. How to purchase prepaid credit
  3. Special: PlayStation game vouchers & digital codes
  4. How to play US PSN games on your regular account

This guide applies for all countries. It does not matter if you’re in the UK, Germany or Australia. It’s time to get advantage of this and get great deals on PS4 games.

How to setup an US PSN account

The first step in this guide is to create an account in the US PSN account. This can either be done on your PS4 or on the PSN website. The account is created based on your address, so the first step you have to take is find yourself an address in the US. If you have friends or family living there, just ask them if you can use their address. If not, I would simply suggest to find yourself an address online and enter it. Special tip: Take an address located somewhere in one of the five US states that don’t have sales tax: Alaska, Montana, New Hampshire, Delaware or Oregon. You can get an address using Borderlinx or simply lookup something up on Google Maps. Hotels or residential areas work best in my experience. Now that we have an address, take the following steps to create the actual account:

  1. Log of your PSN account on your PS4
  2. Select New User and “New to PSN? Create an Account”
  3. Chose “Sign Up Now”
  4. Select United States as country, enter your birth date
  5. Next, enter the address that you researched before
  6. Follow the menu. Tip: When you’re using gmail, you can simply add or remove a . somewhere in the email address and it will still go trough (e.g. [email protected] -> [email protected])
  7. Follow the next steps (mostly settings). Verify your email and you’re done

That’s it already. You know have an account with which you can buy games in the US PSN store. However, in most cases you won’t be able to pay for something because your PayPal account / email address does not match the address as defined in your PSN account. In the next step I’ll show you how to circumvent this.

How to purchase prepaid credit

Getting prepaid credit for your US PSN account is actually quite easy. The only thing you need is to go to and purchase digital PSN credit which is available from $10.00 to $100.00. I would personally recommend to buy the prepaid codes below $50.00 as higher ones seem to take longer to be delivered.

I have some good deals on PS4. You can check it out:

Minecraft Dungeons – Hero Edition (PS4)

PS4 Controller Charger Dock Station

Oddworld: Soulstorm Day One Oddition (PS4) – PlayStation 4

Shortly after purchasing the code you’ll receive an email with it or can simply copy it from the Amazon website. Now go to this website and enter the code there. You’re obviously also able to add the code on your Playstation4. That’s it. Your US PSN account is now charged with credit and you can start buying games.

Where to buy digital US PSN Codes when Amazon does not work

Depending on your credit card company, it is possible that your credit card gets rejected and you’re not able to buy credit. It’s also possible that you don’t have a credit card and want to use something different like PayPal or directly from your bank account with providers like iDeal, Skrill or even bitcoin. Luckily, there is a great website called gamivo that offers an awesome and fast way to purchase digital US PSN codes or PlayStation Plus subscriptions. In fact, the website also offers prepaid credit for other countries like Canada, Spain or Germany.

While on Gamivo, you’re able to buy credit from different providers for different prices. However, to be fully saved I would recommend to stick with Gamivo itself and not some random marketplace seller, even if the price might be even better. There’s also a preselected buyers protection called G2Shield which I wouldn’t recommend getting incase you’re buying from Gamivo directly.

Special: Game vouchers & digital codes

While buying games directly on PSN is great, there are also cases where you can directly purchase a game code on other websites. Afterwards, you only have to redeem the code using your PlayStation or the PSN account website. The two best sources for digital codes are Amazon (again) and GameDealDaily. Both offer great deals and are sometimes cheaper than PSN itself.

How to play US PSN games on your regular account

While you’re now able to play the games on your PS4, they’re currently restricted to your US PSN account. Luckily, there is a way to play the US games on your regular PS account. This also includes multiplayer and getting Trophies. The play simply behaves like any other game – no matter where you purchased it. The solution to this problem is to define your PS4 as the primary console in the US PSN account. Because of this, everything that you purchase on your US PSN account is shared with the other accounts on the PS4.


Here are the steps that you have to take: Select [PSN] > [Activate as Your Primary PS4] > [Activate]. Afterwards, switch back to your regular PSN account. You can now play all games from there.

  1. zeftoony says

    5- enter the address that you researched before!!!

    how the hell do i research it?
    and what is the right way to write it?

    1. Mariano Cavallo says

      Are you from the past?

  2. Viktor says

    Great post thanks for this, the difference in price for games is huge between EU and USA. I have few questions i hope can you answer them:

    So i won’t need any VPN to make my location in US?

    And way did you say ” higher ones seem to take longer to be delivered” for the prepaid cards when you receive them digitally (the code arrives in the email)?

    1. Philipp Greitsch says

      Hi Viktor,

      Thanks for your feedback! About your questions:

      – No, you don’t need a VPN for that. Creating an account with an US address is enough.

      – I tested different PSN card values. It seems that everything around and below 50 USD gets delivered instantly, whereas everything above takes a few hours. I guess a manual check from Amazon is taking place.

      However, you can just simply purchase multiple PSN cards with a lower value and they’ll all get delivered right away. Apparently the check only takes place for single value PSN cards, not for the total order value.

      1. Andrés says

        You can’t buy a card with a credit card from outside US, how can I bypass this. How can I add a paypal from outside US?

  3. Thane says

    When you buy the prepaids off amazon, won’t you be paying the in your own currency. So your money is converted and your still gonna pay more.

    1. Philipp Greitsch says

      Amazon offers the possibility to pay in your local currency – exchange fees don’t apply in this situation.

  4. Matias Berra says

    Awesome post, I’m considering moving to the UK, so this information comes very handy.
    Keep the good advice coming along, thanks!

  5. Kenneth Klein says

    Thanks man! it worked really good for me 🙂 just did it today

  6. tarek says

    hi,i tried it but amazon is still verifying the purchase it have been doing so for more than 2 hours,,does this method still work or what??because i have read on some sites that it dosent work anymore
    am i going to lose my money for nothing ??

    1. Philipp Greitsch says

      Sometimes it might take a while until Amazon approves the purchase. We’ve included a link to G2A above which should give you the code instantly.

  7. Henry Maser says

    So if i am from germany and i have an amerivan acount so i need an US Psn card not s german one right ?

    1. Philipp Greitsch says

      Correct. The article includes links to our recommended shops!

      1. antonis says

        can you see mine in time?? because i have a big problem

  8. antonis says

    i did all that but first i tried to put a visa in the account and buy with this card.. it showed me then an error has occured and now i can’t sign-in anymore.. i don’t know what happend.. maybe the banned me.. but i use my correct sign-in id and my pass and i can’t logg in

  9. kimchi says

    is this still valid? Amazon is preventing me from buying the codes

  10. casc says

    will this work for ps3??? im in the usa and wanna buy some games on sale on the eu psn store. Would the process of doing this be the same as PS3?

  11. Nomanis Moonkin says

    Does this still work ? (Aug 2016) I’m being told PS4s get region locked and you can’t log into a US account on a UK PS4, or access any of the games that aren’t already unlocked on EU before the EU launch date. Is this true do you know?

    1. slickrick876 says

      PS4 is completely region free

  12. Bex says

    I tried it yesterday (October 3rd 2016) and it works neatly! Thanks for sharing this easy process, I’m a PS4 player since a while and being able to have an extra US account besides my portuguese one will make me save quite a lot in purchasing games. And it’s soooo great that we are able to purchase the games with the US account and then play the games in our main account on the PS.
    Thanks again dude!

  13. Matt Amatsu says

    I think the main question I need to ask for this is.

    Will this allow us to use US DLC as DLC is region locked, this would be the only reason I would try to use this method?

    Await the prompt reply

    1. Eren Yay says

      I really wish to know the answer too! I want to enjoy the season pass that I bought from US account on my regular EU account.

      Anyone knows the answer for that?

      1. Andrei Lavrenov says

        The game has to be a US version for US DLC to work.

        I bought Gravity Rush (retail, EU version), but my account is US – I couldn’t install the DLC! I had to buy the digital version of the game from the US Store, for the DLC to work.

  14. Ivan Barros says

    Is there any real advantage in using one of those “tax free” states? Are the prices lower? Thanks!

  15. Johny Boy says

    Thank you for the post. It was helpful in getting a US account setup easily and I even got a prepaid card redeemed. One thing that I noted though. I tried to purchase the 14-day free trial of the PS PLUS, but I just cannot get it purchased. Not sure what is the issue, but maybe I need to actually purchase the proper 1 month subscription atleast. Any idea why it is an issue?

    1. Finbar says

      Hey, I had the same issue before when creating a European account while I’m currently living in Asia. For me the problem was not having a payment method set up. Once I added a credit card (which is European), I was able to get the trial. Try adding a card or PayPal to the account and see if it works. If it doesn’t, you might need an American card or something. Hope it helps.

  16. POT{MikuFAN....Nibbler-kun}ATO says

    This helps alot…I wanted the DLC for Bloodborne for so long and now it’s finally possible

  17. faisbross says

    Thank you. Now I can play Yakuza 5. Yeah!

  18. Nenad Jovanov says

    Tnx man, I do everything and I put same adress into new Amazon card and my VISA card as obnly payment method, he puts up payment information…I’m from serbia… There is aviable now to buy digital code only…
    But I’m not shure that the payment with my VISA card which is registered on Serbia passed on Amazon checkout?
    Do you know something about that?

  19. lalit varadpande says

    Thank you very much!Worked like a charm in India!

  20. Dana Abdul says

    What happens after purchasing the US Psn credit?? They just deducted the money but i havent received anything.

  21. Gil Schoenberg says

    Isn’t it dangerous to use a us account while not living in the US?…. I mean spending a lot of money on games and then suddenly Sony can change their policy and cut you off like Amazon does with prime music and Spotify and other online content providers….

    1. Hugo Van Wyk says

      I had the same concern. I’ll do it anyway. The games I want are like R400 cheaper in the US store

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