How to Fix .NET Runtime Error 1026 in Windows?


When trying to start a program on their computer, users may sometimes have to deal with a lot of crashes. Some users don’t know how to open applications. The Windows Event Viewer often shows a lot of .NET Runtime Error 1026 messages in a short amount of time.

It may also show the following error message:

.NET NET Runtime 1026 bearing the following description under Event Viewer – The process ended as a result of an unhandled exception. Exception code c00000fd.

What Does the “.NET Runtime Error 1026” Mean?

The.NET Runtime Error 1026 usually means that Windows is missing files that an application needs to run correctly. When this error number shows up, Windows can’t start programs. System errors are also often caused by wrong user input or by deleting data from the registry by accident.

Causes of .NET Runtime Error 1026

The investigation into this problem showed that the.NET Runtime Error 1026 could be caused by a number of different things.

Here is a list of things that could have led to this mistake:

Third-party Application Clash

This problem seems to be caused by a disagreement between two third-party processes or between a third-party service and a native Windows process. Most of the time, you should be able to fix the problem by getting to a clean boot state and then figuring out which part is causing the problem.

.NET Infrastructure File Corruption

If this problem keeps happening again and again in Event Viewer, it’s likely that the .NET Framework installation is broken. In this case, the quickest way to fix the problem is to use the .NET Repair Tool.

Launchpad.exe and Windows Update Are at Odds With Each Other

In the past, this problem started to show up because of a bad Windows Update that broke the way Launchpad.exe worked. Users who were affected by the problem said they were able to fix it by giving the admin account full access to the user’s folder and renaming the Launchpad.exe executable.

Installation of Windows Media Was Messed Up

This problem could happen in some situations because of a dependency on Windows Media Player that is partially broken. If that’s the case, you should be able to fix the problem by using the Windows Features program to reinstall the WMP package.

System Files Get Messed Up

Keep in mind that you could run into this problem even if the corruption on your device is not covered by the.NET Framework you are using. In this case, you should run scans with DISM and SFC to try to fix system file corruption at the surface level. But in the worst cases, you might have to do a clean install or a repair install.

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How to Fix Windows.NET Runtime Error 1026?

Most users say that an app problem shows up every time a new event of this type is created. It has been proven that the problem happens on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. It is likely caused by a conflict between two third-party applications or between a third-party application and a native Windows process. Here are a few things you can do by hand that might fix the.NET Runtime Error 1026 and let you open programs again.

This will take some time, so please pay close attention to each step:

Method 1: The Clean Boot Method

If this is the case, you can find the part that is causing the problem by starting your computer in “clean mode” and seeing if the problem still happens. This step makes sure that your computer starts up in a way that stops any third-party service, process, or starting item from running.

If you boot your computer into a “Clean Boot” state and see that the problem is no longer happening, you can systematically re-enable each process and startup item and keep restarting your computer until you find out what is causing it.

  • Press Windows + R, then type msconfig and hit Enter.
  • On the Services tab, check the box next to “Hide all Microsoft services
  • Pick Turn off everything
  • Click the Startup tab, then click the Open Task Manager button.
  • Spotless shoes
  • Right-click on each entry that isn’t Windows and choose “Disable” from the menu that comes up.
  • Stop using Task Manager.
  • Check the Safe boot box on the Boot tab.
  • Click Apply, then click OK, and your computer will restart.

Method 2: Running the.NET Repair Tool

By utilizing the.NET Framework Repair Tool, a number of customers who were affected by this issue and were also able to avoid future instances of the.NET Runtime Error 1026 error. This software will automatically scan your computer and restore any faulty.NET dependencies.

  • Access the download page for the Microsoft.NET Framework Repair utility in your web browser.
  • Click the Download button
  • Select the checkbox next to NetFxRepairTool.exe and deselect all other checkboxes.
  • Click Next to go to the next menu.
  • After the download is complete, double-click the installation software.
  • Accept the UAC prompt with the affirmative (User Account Control).
  • Follow the on-screen instructions after successfully starting the Microsoft.NET Framework Repair Tool and check the appropriate box.
  • Click Next after the process is complete to automatically implement the recommended repair strategy.
  • Click the Finish button to conclude the procedure once the patch has been successfully implemented.

If you are not prompted to restart, do so manually and then check Event Viewer to see if the issue persists after the next startup.

Method 3: Scan with SFC and DISM

Fix corrupted system files using the Command Prompt:

  • Start Command Prompt with administrator permissions.
  • Enter the command
    sfc /scannow
  • Click Enter
  • Utilize SFC and DISM
  • Reboot your system
  • If SFC encountered an error, use the following command lines, pressing Enter after each:
    DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Ensure that your disc is not damaged. Using Administrative Command Prompt, you may conduct the following inspections:

  • If your primary storage device is a hard disc drive, execute the following command and press Enter:
    chkdsk c: /f
  • If SSD is being utilized, execute the following command:
    chkdsk c: /f /r /x
  • If an error occurs, enter Y followed by Enter.
  • Restart your device to determine its condition

Method 4: Re-installation of Runtime Libraries

  • Select the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package from the Programs and Features menu.
  • Select Uninstall by right-clicking the object
  • Re-install Runtime Libraries
  • Restart the machine

Method 5: Perform a Disk Cleanup

Your computer may be experiencing runtime issues because it lacks insufficient free space.

  • Make a copy of your files and free up space on your hard drive.
  • Clear the cache and restart your computer.
  • Run Disk Cleanup,
  • Open a window for Internet Explorer.
  • Click the right mouse button on your primary folder
  • Selecting Properties
  • Select Disk Cleaning

Method 6: Reinstalling Your Graphics

If the error is the result of a defective graphics driver, you can take the following steps:

  • Launch Device Manager and locate the video card driver
  • Select Uninstall by right-clicking the video card driver, and then restart the computer.

Also Read: How to Fix Error Code 0xc000007b on Windows 10


Errors occur at runtime without warning. Whenever.NET Framework is executed, the error message may display. In fact, if you do not address the error message or other dialogue box immediately, it may continue to appear.

There may be instances where files vanish or appear. Even while this symptom is typically caused by a virus, it can also be an indication of a runtime error, as viruses are among the causes of runtime errors. Users may also see a sudden decrease in their Internet connection speed, but this is not always the case.

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