How to Examine Satellite in Starfield? A Simple Guide Awaits!


As you go through the “The Old Neighbourhood” mission in Starfield. Examining a satellite is what you are expected to do. This is achieved by navigating the spacewalk and employing stealth mode to elude Zealots who worship a god known as the Great Serpent.

The objective of the game’s mission, “Examine the Satellite (Avoid Detection),” can be accomplished with the aid of this guide.

Methods for Satellite Examination in Starfield

how to examine satellite in starfield

Progressing through the game as you get closer to Starfield’s “The Old Neighbourhood” task. After giving you a thorough explanation of the Constellation, Constellation member Sarah Morgan will ask you to go to the Sol system and locate Moara. In order to save Moara, who is in danger, you will also need to travel from other planets.

Since guns and shields are easily detected and only have enough power to power your ship’s ENG to investigate the satellite, Sarah will then show you how to employ stealth mode by turning off all of your ship’s power from subsystems like these.

Your spaceship will move stealthily and have steady control during the inspection thanks to this power allotment.

Additionally, you should avoid enemy ships. Navigating close to the Satellite Beacon is thus possible. Additionally, it is crucial to keep the ship within 500 meters of the satellite in order to remotely activate it.

Following the procedures listed below for the platform you are using to play Starfield, you should gradually approach the satellite:

For PC:

  • Minimize your distance until you are inside range of the satellite.
  • To begin the activation, hit the “E” button.
  • To finish the activation, hit the “R” key on your keyboard when requested.

For Xbox:

  • As soon as you are within the satellite’s range.
  • To start the activation, press the controller’s “A” button.
  • Press the “X” button to finish when requested.

You will find that Moara is heading to the Nova Galactic Staryard for urgent repairs after you have successfully inspected the satellite and mastered the art of covert travel in Starfield. After that, you’ll need to go to Luna to get to him.

That concludes our discussion of how to inspect a satellite in Starfield. Check out our other guide about gaming if you find this one useful.

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