Just a few minutes ago I shared a picture on my personal Facebook Timeline. Nothing unusual. But suddenly I noticed something I have never seen before. Along with the usual buttons “Like”, “Share” and “Comment” I saw a button saying “Promote”.
Back in October 2012 Facebook started testing this feature in the US and New Zealand and eventually rolled it out in the US. Now it turns out that Facebook actually rolls out this feature worldwide.
Now you can promote this post to move it higher in friends’ news feeds and help them notice it. Any post that you pay to promote will be marked as sponsored.
It would cost me $7.90 USD to promote the picture I have shared. This feature could possibly generate some extra revenue from new self-proclaimed advertisers a.k.a users.
How do you think will this affect Facebook? Will our timelines be stuffed with promoted posts form our friends? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Facebook just wants to make more money off its users.