During two days in September the digital marketing world will be meeting in Cologne at this year’s dmexco (digital marketing exposition & conference). This year’s event will be held under the motto of “Turning Visions into Reality” and take place on September 18th and 19th. The trendblog.net team will be in Cologne to get the latest trends in marketing, media and technology.
Everything is somehow connected to the digital world today: Products, ideas and communication are digitally driven and digital business is getting more and more complex. This year’s dmexco seeks to understand this fragmented industry and define the benefits for marketing, media and communication for day-to-day operations.
With about 720 exhibitors from all over the world and 24,000 expected visitors, the dmexco is growing every year and positions itself as the leading international exposition and conference in the field.
Next to the exposition, a two day conference will take place. Using 5 different conference formats, a total of 190 hours of program will be offered by 450 speakers. Topics include the future of advertising and greater gains for marketing. Dmexco offers international top-class speakers, such as Tim Armstrong (Chairman & CEO of AOL), Markus Frank (Director Advertising & Online of Microsoft) or Oliver Blecken (COO of MediaCom).
We, as the trendblog.net team, are currently planning our schedules for dmexco to get the best content for our visitors during the exhibition. If you would like to schedule a meeting, please get in touch with us.
Table of Contents
What would a conference be without a proper party?
There will be plenty of parties and side events in and around Cologne during dmexco. The last years have shown that the OSK dmexco party will be the hottest place to enjoy a great party and to network. In 2012, 82% of all OSK party attendees were on decision-maker level and we’re expecting a similar high-class clientele this year. After a 3-course dinner, a Hed Kendi DJ will take care of the music. You can get tickets to the party on the OSK website.
Final Words
We are really looking forward to dmexco and the OSK party. Are you also visiting dmexco? Are there any topics you especially want to get covered? Please tell us in the comments below!
Images courtesy of dmexco
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