Apple is gearing up to launch the iPhone 7 sometime in September. Before the next series of iPhone goes official, analysts have already started passing their judgement on the device. According to Steve Grasso, director of institutional sales at Stuart Frankel, Apple will “underperform perpetually.” Grasso states this despite the rush in Apple’s stock that took place following the company’s fiscal third quarter returns. Grasso says that with everybody waiting for the Apple iPhone 7, “I think it can only disappoint.”
Also, Grasso’s statement confirms with Apple’s slump in year-over-year iPhone sales. The decline in iPhone sales occurred for two sequential quarters, which caused a stir inside Wall Street too. A report based on website traffic exposes the drop in Apple’s web traffic in 18 countries out of total 20 countries. The reduction in web traffic was recorded from second quarter of 2015 to the second quarter of 2016. In the US, Apple’s web traffic dropped by 4 percent while in Germany, it faced 6 percent decline. In the United Kingdom, the Cupertino giant lost 10 percent of web traffic.
On the contrary, Apple’s closest rival – Samsung’s web traffic grew in 18 out of 20 countries. The increase in Samsung’s web traffic was on a rise from the second quarter 2015 till the second quarter of 2016. It recorded 10% jumps in traffic share in – France, South Africa, Canada, UK and Australia. Surprisingly, Saudi Arabia is the only market where Samsung lost its web traffic while Apple saw an increase in its traffic.
It would be interesting to see if the iPhone 7 turns out to be a disappointment as per the prediction of Steve Grasso. For now, the Apple iPhone 7 is the most talked-about device on the rumour mill. The Cupertino giant is tipped to introduce a variety of new features with the upcoming iPhone 7 series. A dual-camera setup is one of the main changes that will debut on the device. Also, the iPhone 7 might come without a 3.5 mm headphone jack and 16GB internal storage variant.
Rest of the specifications will unfold at the launch of the iPhone 7. Unlike Grasso’s analysis, Apple is bidding high on its upcoming iPhone. It remains to be seen if the iPhone 7 brings a positive change in Apple’s sales and web traffic worldwide. Stay tuned with us for more on the iPhone 7 and its launch. In the meantime, you can share your views about Grasso’s analysis in the comment section below.
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