[su_button url=”https://trendblog.net/install-raspbian-sd-card-os-x-windows/” style=”flat” background=”#00aeef” size=”5″ center=”no” radius=”0″]<– PART 2[/su_button] [su_button url=”https://trendblog.net/how-to-mount-your-media-server-or-nas-drive-to-a-raspberry-pi/” style=”flat” background=”#00aeef” size=”5″ center=”no” radius=”0″]PART 4 –>[/su_button]
In the third part of our series “Automatically download TV show episodes as soon as they are available” we’ll guide you through the basic setup of a Raspberry Pi. Please make sure that you installed an operating system on an microSD card.
If you’re using an ethernet cable and not a USB WiFi adapter on your Raspberry Pi, then skip the first step.
Table of Contents
1. Setting up WiFi
Put your SD card with the installed operating system in your computer’s card reader. Open up your terminal and enter the following line:
sudo nano /path/to/sd/card/etc/network/interfaces
Make sure to type in the correct path to your SD card. An example could look like the following:
sudo nano /Volumes/sd-card-name/etc/network/interfaces
This command opens up the interfaces file inside your terminal using the nano text editor. Now make sure that its content looks like the following (replace the bold parts with your WiFi details):
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid "your-network-name"
wpa-psk "password-here"
Save the file by pressing “CTRL + X”, hitting “y” and pressing enter. Now you can put your microSD card into your Raspberry Pi’s card slot.
2. Hardware setup
This is an easy one. Make sure your microSD card is plugged into your RPi. Now either plug in a USB WiFi adapter or an ehternet cable connected to your router. Last thing to do is to plug in the power source to turn on your RPi.
3. SSH into your Raspberry Pi
In your terminal window, enter the following:
ssh pi@RPiIPaddress (example: ssh [email protected])
Replace ‘RPiIPaddress’ with your Raspberry Pi’s IP address. You can easily find its IP address in your router’s browser interface, for example.
The default password is “raspberry”.
4. Set user password and timezone
Enter and run
sudo raspi-config
Select ‘expand filesystem’, change the user password and select your timezone in internationalisation options.
5. Update your RPi
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Now it’s the time to get a coffee as the update will take a while.
6. Set up automatic restart with Watchdog
Since your Raspberry Pi will be running most of the time, you should have an app that reboots it in case it becomes unresponsive. That’s what Watchdog is for.
Run the following to install Watchdog
sudo apt-get install watchdog
Then run
sudo modprobe bcm2708_wdog
Open up modules
sudo nano /etc/modules
and paste the following line to the end
Press CTRL + X, then “y” and enter to save and close the file.
Run the following line to add Watchdog to the startup programs
sudo update-rc.d watchdog defaults
Now open up the config file and uncomment two lines of text
sudo nano /etc/watchdog.conf
remove the # from the following lines:
Close the text editor the same way as already mentioned above.
Start the program with
sudo service watchdog start
That’s it! Your Raspberry Pi is now ready for the next steps. As already mentioned, this is a basic setup. You can do much more like setting up a firewall and other security measures. But for this guide, this is optional and not necessary.
In the next part, we’ll show you how to mount an external hard drive or NAS media server to your Raspberry Pi and how to install the usenet downloader NZBGet.
[su_button url=”https://trendblog.net/how-to-mount-your-media-server-or-nas-drive-to-a-raspberry-pi/” style=”flat” background=”#00aeef” size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”0″]GO TO PART 4[/su_button]
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo service watchdog start
[….] Stopping watchdog keepalive daemon…start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 1971: No such process
. ok
[FAIL] Starting watchdog daemon… failed!
What can I do about that?
Same problem here.. did you ever find a fix?
No, sorry