How to check if your Android phone is rooted in two steps

If you bought a used Android phone (or tablet) to save some cash or you tried to root your phone, you can easily check if it’s actually rooted. There are multiple ways to tell if you have root access, but I don’t want to bore you with every single method (you only need one that’s easy and works).

2 steps to tell if your phone is rooted

  1. First, head to Google Play and download a terminal client app, if you don’t have one already on your phone. I recommend getting “Terminal Emulator for Android” which is for free. Launch the app and you should get the well-known terminal interface with a text entry prompt.
  2. Now, check the character right before your entry prompt.
    • If there’s a pound sign (#) then you’re rooted
    • Is there a dollar sign? If so, type in su and hit enter. Should the dollar sign change into a pound sign (#), then you’re rooted! During that process, you might see a popup asking you to give the terminal app superuser permissions, which you should grant.

terminal app screenshot

Well, that’s all there is to it. A rooted phone opens you up to a whole new world of custom ROMs, the Xposed Framework and a lot of other cool stuff. If you didn’t get to see a pound sign after trying to root your phone, repeat the process and make sure you’re following the right steps.

  1. BeginnerRooter says

    It says ” su: not found” does this mean i have to reroot my phone or can i just download the file again

  2. Ďakujem says

    This was 100% not useful.

  3. bob says

    thanks bro!!!!

    1. shalow says

      how to root my Samsung tab 4

  4. Paddy says

    this was very useful…………
    nice one!!!

  5. jose says

    Mine says is rooted by kingo, I bought my cellphone from guy, should I be concern about my privacy, can this person track or have access to my information

  6. Nikki says

    It says /system/bin/sh: su: not found. now what do I do??

  7. Tiger is back says

    My also says su:not found

  8. Chaithra C Poojary says

    It says permissiom denied so doeit mean my phone is not rooted?

  9. Mohammed Aqeeb says

    $ su –

  10. Harshit says

    How to root mi3

  11. dakota says

    It says “credentials different than expected”

  12. danny says

    what window do I use

  13. Panyin Poku- Dankwa says

    It keeps telling me su not found

  14. RealityCheck says

    This does not work and there is no prompt screen, what an absolute waste.

  15. Nikhil Nikzz says

    not found is giving wat should i do now

  16. lahiru says

    I did, now i can see (#) mark,is my phone rooted now?

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