The “INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE” Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error in Windows 10 is a frustrating and potentially damaging issue that can prevent your computer from starting correctly. This error can cause your computer to shut down unexpectedly, leading to data loss and other serious problems. The cause of the error can vary from hardware issues, corrupted system files, malware infections, to driver conflicts. However, the good news is that there are several steps you can take to resolve the problem and get your computer back up and running smoothly.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to fix the INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE BSOD error in Windows 10. We will go through the process of checking hardware components, updating drivers, using System Restore, scanning for malware, and performing a repair installation. With these steps, you can resolve the BSOD error and get your computer back to normal. So, whether you’re a seasoned computer user or just someone who wants to fix a frustrating error, this guide will be a valuable resource for you.

Check Hardware Components

The first step in fixing this BSOD error is to make sure that all of your computer’s hardware components are working correctly.

  • Check for any loose or damaged cables, and make sure that all of your hard drives and other components are securely connected.
  • You can also try unplugging and re-connecting each component to see if that fixes the issue.
  • If you suspect that a hardware component is the cause of the problem, you may need to replace it.

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Update Drivers

If the hardware components are all working correctly, the next step is to check your drivers. Make sure that all of your drivers are up to date, especially the drivers for your hard drive, motherboard, and other system components. You can use Windows Update or the device manufacturer’s website to get the latest drivers.

Use System Restore

Another possible solution is to use the System Restore feature in Windows 10. System Restore allows you to go back to a previous version of Windows, which can help you fix any issues with your system files. To use System Restore, go to the Windows Start menu and type “System Restore” in the search bar. Follow the on-screen instructions to select a restore point and start the restore process.

Check for Malware

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, it’s possible that your computer may be infected with malware. Use a reputable antivirus software to scan your system and remove any detected malware.

Repair Installation

If none of the above solutions work, you may need to perform a repair installation of Windows 10. This will replace any corrupted system files and restore your system to a working state. To perform a repair installation, insert your Windows 10 installation media and restart your computer. Select the “Repair your computer” option and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the repair process.

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The “INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE” BSOD error in Windows 10 can be a serious problem, but there are several steps you can take to fix it. Check your hardware components, update your drivers, use System Restore, check for malware, and perform a repair installation if necessary. With these steps, you should be able to resolve the BSOD error and get your computer back up and running.


The INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE BSOD error is a blue screen error that occurs in Windows 10 when the system is unable to access the boot device. This can be caused by several different issues, including hardware problems, corrupted system files, and driver conflicts.


This error can be caused by a variety of issues, including hardware problems, corrupted system files, malware infections, and driver conflicts.


To fix this error, you can check your hardware components, update your drivers, use System Restore, check for malware, and perform a repair installation if necessary.

What should I do if the above steps do not resolve the issue?

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, you may need to seek professional help or take your computer to a repair shop.

Can the INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE BSOD error cause data loss?

Yes, this error can cause data loss if your hard drive or other storage device is not accessible. To prevent data loss, it’s important to make regular backups of your important files.

Is it possible to avoid the INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE BSOD error?

To avoid this error, make sure that your hardware components are functioning properly, keep your drivers and system software up to date, and scan your system regularly for malware.

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